fischer systemen.

Grootsheid is gebouwd op geweldige oplossingen.

fischer systemen.

Grootsheid is gebouwd op geweldige oplossingen.


Wereldwijd ondersteunt fischer ambitieuze bouwprojecten en complexe infrastructuren. Onze oplossingen zijn gericht op efficiënte arbeidsprocessen en maximale veiligheid. Of het nu gaat om achteraf aangebrachte wapening, ingestorte kanalen, montagesystemen, passieve brandbeveiliging of indrukwekkende gevels, de producten van fischer voldoen vandaag en morgen aan de hoogste eisen.
Als systeemaanbieder bieden wij architecten, planners en vakmensen een allround service vanaf de eerste planningsfase tot en met de constructie en tijdige levering op de bouwplaats. 

fischer systems
Greatness is built on great solutions.

Efficient and safe pipe fixings need strong solutions.

fischer installation systems.

With fischer installation systems, you create fireproof pipe fixings indoors and outdoors, ventilation and pipe connections.
The reliable solutions are suitable for complex channel support systems, flat roof installations and all other pipe installations in technical building equipment and plant engineering.
The unique product diversity makes it possible: whether massive channel system, light channel system, approved pipe clamps or installation grid - fischer installation systems are suitable for light to heavy loads.
Have the optimum solution at hand for every application condition. And an expert at your side. fischer supports you in the planning and implementation of your pipe systems throughout all construction phases.

You can reliably design installation systems with INSTALL-FIX, a module of the fischer FiXperience Suite.

Learn more about installation systems

Secure fixings and efficient installation need strong solutions.

fischer Cast-In Channel.

Strong solutions are easy to implement.
The flexible fischer Cast-In Channels adapt to your fixing projects and enable planning reliability even in complex areas of application.

Even when building demanding facades, high elevators or large tunnels, the award-winning anchor channels effectively perform your fixing tasks - without drilling, construction dust or noise. With channels and special hammerhead bolts that compensate for tolerances during installation and achieve optimum longitudinal load distribution through innovative interlocking.
This makes your connections not only flexible, but also secure.

Learn more about Cast-In Channel

Veilig bevestigen met respect voor het milieu vereist waterdichte oplossingen.

WRL conforme bevestigingen.

Vandaag de dag is milieubescherming meer dan ooit onze passie. Het is essentieel om het milieu te beschermen, in het bijzonder onze waterwegen, omdat deze van fundamenteel belang zijn voor het leven en overleven van de mens. Verankeringen voor installaties met waterverontreinigende stoffen die niet zijn uitgerust met twee afdichtingsniveaus, moeten voldoen aan speciale eisen volgens de Duitse Wet op de waterhuishouding - Water Resources Law WRL - (in het Duits WHG) en de voorschriften voor installaties voor de behandeling van waterverontreinigende stoffen (AwSV).

Meer weten over WRL conforme bevestigingen

Safe design and extension of existing structures needs strong solutions.

fischer injection systems for post-installed rebar connections.

Plans change.
However, new possibilities arise with post-installed rebar connections.
Extend and modify existing reinforced concrete structures to include balconies, stairs or entire floors. For every application, fischer offers the right injection system and creates secure connections of concrete structures.
This is how you plan and build safely and efficiently.

You can reliably design the post-installed rebar connections with REBAR-FIX, a module of the fischer FiXperience Suite.

Learn more about post-installed rebar connections

Safe fire protection in buildings needs strong solutions.

fischer FireStop

The greatest possible safety starts with the smallest details.
The fischer FireStop systems offer passive fire protection for plants and buildings right from the planning phase.
With fischer, you are best protected against the spread of fire: The passive fire protection solutions are approved, tested and awarded!
Together with fischer, you can create safe living space.
Each solution has been tested several times and prevents the spread of fire, smoke or toxic gases.
Whether in a small building or large complex.

Learn more about FireStop

Aesthetic and energy-efficient façades need strong solutions.

fischer façade systems.

With fischer façade systems, there are virtually no limits to your design possibilities. Create fantastic architecture with the highest standards of sustainability and energy efficiency.

The façade systems offer you countless possibilities for the visible and concealed fixing of rainscreen façades. No matter how high the demands on aesthetics, function and safety of your building may be, we offer the right system solution.This puts you in a strong position for tomorrow.

You can reliably design the façade systems with FACADE-FIX, a module of the fischer FiXperience Suite.

Learn more about façade systems
